Genbu-Kai Costa Rica
Genbu-Kai Costa Rica , Costa RicaSeminars w/Demura Shihan at our Costa Rica location
Seminars w/Demura Shihan at our Costa Rica location
Seminars w/Demura Shihan at our France location
In observance of Memorial Day.
Sword cutting. Cost covers 3-5 mats for single cutting, and 1 – 2 dodan cutting opportunities.
Seminars w/Demura Shihan at our Spain location.
Kyu level testing for our Ninja students. Testing fees and signed Intent forms are due on the date requested. Please arrive at least 15 minutes PRIOR to testing. Doors close PROMPTLY at 1:00pm.
Required for students 6th kyu and higher only. Uniform and notebooks required. Remember to bring paper and something to write with, and on, for taking notes.
The Dojo will be closed this day for all classes. We apologize for any inconvenience.