NEW Kobudo Shodans

Wellington, FL October 20, 2018: Genbu-Kai Karate is proud to announce the advancement of three adult students, to the rank of Black Belt. Benjamin Schwartz, Gordon Webber and Alasdair Webber were presented the ranks of Kobudo Shodan (1st degree black belt). Kobudo is the art of training with Okinawan weapons which were created from farming tools.


Ben began training 11/4/13 and both Alasdair and Gordon joined 1/29/14. All three began in the junior karate program and have since advanced into the adult/teen program, and not only train in Karate and Kobudo, but also Batto-Do as well. Batto-Do is the Japanese art of drawing and cutting with the katana.


Ben has competed in many tournaments successfully, including this past February when he traveled to our main location in Santa Ana, California where he also tested for his Kobudo black belt.


Also pictured is Kota Ramsey, although Kota does not practice either Kobudo or Batto, he has been with Genbu-Kai since 2010 and was the first to receive his junior Sho-Dan in 2017.


All are from the Wellington, Loxahatchee and Boynton Beach areas.


Picture: L to R: Benjamin Schwartz, Gordon Webber, Sensei Keith Moore, Alasdair Webber, Kota Ramsey.